The Impact of the Outer Region on the Plastic Deformation Force of Metals and Its Essence 外区对金属塑性变形力的影响及其实质
Test method for durability of the plastic buttons to impact force 塑料钮扣耐久性试验法:冲击力
Based on the elasto-perfectly plastic constitutive relation, two damping force models of lead shear dampers are deduced. 铅剪切阻尼器是一种耗能性能优越、构造简单而又十分经济的耗能减震控制装置。
The formation and characters of elastic shear force and plastic shear force are analyzed. 分析弹性剪切力和塑性剪切力的形成及特征,剖析以往解析分析中存在的问题。
The elasto-plastic shear stress of binding beam at multi-pier shear walls is analysed with analytical method, the affection of ductility coefficients of the beam on plastic redistribution of internal force in the shear walls is also analysed. 用数学方法分析联肢墙横梁中的弹塑性剪力集度的分布情况,进而分析横梁自身具有的延性系数对塑性内力重分布的影响。
Calculating plastic deformation force of expandable tubules by engineering method 用工程法求解可膨胀管塑性变形力
The relationship between the plastic force of the cantilever and the adhesion of the AFM is discussed. The reason for the AFM "snap back" is discovered. 分析了AFM悬臂梁弹性力同针尖接触力的关系,发现了引起AFM“突跳”的本质是弹性力同接触力的不稳定平衡问题;
The Analysis Distribution Again About Plastic Internal Force in the Beam 梁内塑性内力重分布的浅析
Dynamic plastic response of rectangular plates with plastic energy dissipation by membrane force 计入膜力塑性耗散效应的矩形板塑性动力响应
And also the static push-over analysis of the bar model can imitate well the output sequence and position of the plastic ream and the relationship between the force of the main component together with the shear in the foundation of the structure and the displacement of the controlling point. 杆系模型静力弹塑性分析可较好地模拟出巨型框架结构中塑性铰出现的次序和位置、结构主要杆件内力以及基底剪力与控制点位移的相互关系;
Testing and error analysis of plastic injection molding machine clamp force 注塑机合模力的测量及误差因素分析
The moment modulation method is clear in concept as well as easy for calculating, one of the methods considering plastic internal force redistribution, and has been applied widely in engineering design. 考虑结构塑性内力重分布的方法中,弯矩调幅法概念明确、计算方便,并在工程设计中广泛应用。
The parameters of control points on the framework of the quadrilinear recovery force model are calculated by M φ nonlinear calculator program. An ideal elastic plastic model is adopted for the recovery force model of frictional energy dissipating device. 柱模型的骨架控制点参数由M-φ非线性计算程序计算,摩擦耗能装置的恢复力模型采用理想弹塑性模型。
And it can economically reduce the cost of steel to use the plastic redistribution theory of internal force. 此外利用塑性内力重分布理论设计还可以减少超静定结构的用钢量,较为经济实用;
Balanced fertilization and straw returns can economically and effectively improve the soil fertility. And it can economically reduce the cost of steel to use the plastic redistribution theory of internal force. 因土、因作物进行配方施肥,并实行秸秆还田,则改制后土壤肥力能得到提高;此外利用塑性内力重分布理论设计还可以减少超静定结构的用钢量,较为经济实用;
The structural problem in the process of deformation for plate and shell is discussed. The effect and resilience rule of the plate's plastic deformation and membrane force both of the stress state and the deformation state are discussed. 主要讨论板壳成形过程中的结构性问题,探讨板料塑性变形、板内膜力对应力状态和变形状态的作用以及回弹规律。
It is a structural plastic fluid in which plastic flow occurs only when shear force exceeds the yield point value. 它是结构型塑性流体,在施加剪切力超过屈服值后才发生塑性流动。
Based on the elasto-plastic restoring force model for adding damping and stiffness ( ADAS) device suggested in this paper, element stiffness matrix for ADAS device and dynamic analysis method for structures with ADAS devices in spatial member-story model are derived. 在所建议的加劲阻尼器弹塑性恢复力模型的基础上,推导在空间杆系-层模型中加劲阻尼装置的单元刚度矩阵和加劲阻尼减震结构的动力分析方法。
Essence of metal plastic forming is force treatment 试论塑性加工的实质是力处理
The rigid plate deformational curvature method is one of the methods that studies structure extensional fracture and developed from the understanding base that the rock similar to rigid plate body only generates brittle fracture without plastic deformation while suffering external force. 刚性板体形变曲率法是基于岩石类似于刚性板体、在受外力作用时不发生塑性变形仅产生脆性断裂(裂缝)的认识基础上而发展起来一种研究构造张性裂缝的方法。
When the pre-pressing force exceeds the critical point, plastic deformation happens and the pull-off force increases with the pre-pressing force; 当预压紧力超过临界值时,接触表面发生塑性变形,在一定范围内分离力随预压紧力的增加而增大;
Based on the Plastica theory ( see ref. [ 12]), the large deflection of an elastic-perfectly plastic cantilever subjected to an inclined concentrated force at its tip, before the unloading in the plastic region occurs, is analyzed in this paper. 作为Plastica理论的应用,本文分析了理想弹塑性矩形截面梁在自由端承受倾斜集中力作用时塑性区扩展阶段的大挠度变形。
Plastic Internal Force Calculation for Rectangle Plate 矩形板塑性内力计算
Based on the theory of slip line and plastic deformation of metal, the clamping force for forging reduction of cylinder is analyzed and studied. 应用滑移线理论和金属的塑性变形理论,分析研究圆柱体镦粗过程中的夹紧力的计算方法,并与试验结果进行比较。
The difference of tube deforming pattern and approximately stationary plastic deforming when tube exerted pulse force is analyzed. 进而分析管件受到磁脉冲力变形时,其变形模式(方式)与准静态塑性变形不同;
When the structure is in the plastic stage, the deformation and internal force analysis of structures should be found. 当结构处于塑性阶段时,分析结构的变形与内力的变化以及裂缝的开展情况。
Usually, the sufficient redistribution of plastic internal force can occur in indeterminate steel beams, and it can be designed on condition that all the fibers in section enter into plastic stage. 通常超静定钢梁可发生充分的塑性内力重分布,可按截面完全达到塑性进行计算。